Freitag, Dezember 12, 2008

My week

I had a weird week. Actually, I've had a weird couple weeks -- ever since Thanksgiving I've been feeling a little down.

I thought everything was getting better, but now I'm back in my awful slump. I know after three months everything is supposed to suddenly click into place, but it's not happening. I'm tired of the people in my host family yelling at each other, and I'm tired of listening to them talk about money. I'm tired of people knowing I'm foreign as soon as I utter one word (or sometimes even before!) I want a sweet potato sandwich and some guacomole, and yesterday my host mother told me I am not allowed to eat with my hands. (Today on the bus I was reminising about all the things I like to eat at home... tea with soymilk and vegetable soup and grilled sandwiches, which they don't seem to have here...)

I feel really awful today.

3 Kommentare:

Liz Woodbury hat gesagt…

i'm sorry you're feeling blue, bean. but i know it will get better, just hang on! and forget about what's "supposed to" happen. just take it as it comes and keep an open mind about it all: making friends, your host family, germany, food. try to be open to the good things that will be coming your way!! xo

Katie hat gesagt…

Okay, if it makes you feel better: I've had a shit week, as have almost all of the other exchange students I keep in regular contact with.

My host parents sat me down today to give me a "talk" and I ended up crying hysterically and getting hugged and realizing, for about the millionth time, that they're not my 'real' parents and that I am, for all intensive purposes, living with strangers who want me to eat meat and wear trousers and buy a parka.

So I feel you, Zoe. Or some other something. But I'm holding out. January! Is almost here! I am so excited to start traveling on my own, doing day trips and the like.

As for food-lust: I want a falafel sandwich with sweet potato fries and a Shirley Temple from the Friendly Toast. And Earl Grey.


charlotte hat gesagt…

oh, zoe. i'm really sorry. i hope things get better.