Dienstag, Februar 07, 2006

Yes, it is extremely late, and yes, I should be in bed since I have biology and writing tomorrow, but I just felt like updating my blog again. I dunno why.
Have you seen Bottle Rocket? It is a grand movie. Have you seen Rushmore? It is even better.
I'm thinking about maybe changing my name on Blogger, since I told Flora she could have Knuckles McGee for a nickname, and also, I don't really like it. Maybe I should name meself Charlotte, since it is a splendid name, only that would be confusing and weird for Miss Glissando. Maybe I should name meself Stella, or Margot, which are two names I like, or Maia, or Sissy. Or Junior. Or Darnya. Hmmm.

Good Morning.

7 Kommentare:

Artemis hat gesagt…

or dodger!!!!!!

margot hat gesagt…

yes, that is a lovely idea!

Liz Woodbury hat gesagt…

smile, darnya, smile!

charlotte hat gesagt…

when did you start making up names?


Anonym hat gesagt…

If you like the name Stella, how about Flora?

Liz Woodbury hat gesagt…

or fauna?

Anonym hat gesagt…

i haven't really been using knuckles mcgee, so if you wanted you could use that again, but...
