Mittwoch, Februar 08, 2006

Here is the news of the day: our lil' homeschooling Latin group (meaning Matt, Josh, Becca, Devyn and me) is about to get a NEW LATIN TEACHER! How exciting is that? I know that's not nice, since Jenni was fine, and she was a pretty good teacher, and I definitely liked her class and all, but this is still extremely exciting! Fun.
I'm not very good at Latin, but I like it a lot. (NOT "alot!" I detest when people make "a lot" one word.) Our Latin book is called Lingua Latina (what a creative name!) and it is rather amusing. It has characters and a story and everything. My favourite character in Lingua Latin is Quintus. He's always getting beat up by his older brother, Marcus.

Good morning.

2 Kommentare:

charlotte hat gesagt…

why don't you name yourself lingua latina?


Liz Woodbury hat gesagt…

oh, that's such a great idea! what do you think, lingua?