Montag, März 02, 2009

Off to Bonn...

Wow, my writing seems to be getting progressively worse with each blog entry.

I had a nice week, complete with many school supplies, a big, delicious salad at Karlsruhe's one vegetarian restaurant, a visit to the opera, and sweet potatoes. I was generally very social; in addition to Franziska's slumber party, I hung out with a nice girl named Verena on Wednesday, went to Stuttgart with Alex and Sonja on Thursday, and went for a stroll in Pforzheim's park with two girls from school on Saturday. Today I'm having a very lazy day. It's 2:00 pm and I'm still in my pajamas. Later I have yoga.

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Bonn, where I'm having my mid-stay camp. Many of the other Congress-Bundestag kids will be there -- I hope it will be fun! After that, I'm kind of dreading going back to school because there is undoubtedly a stressful math test on the way. I'm not that dumb, so I can't understand how the kids in my math class can possibly understand anything the teacher says! He talks rapidly and never stops to explain anything, he just keeps on going. We are studying the EXACT SAME THING I did last year in math -- really basic trigonometry, and also my favorite theme in math, and I still understand nothing. This is such a mystery.

That's all I have to report!

5 Kommentare:

Martha hat gesagt…

du hattest kein schule heute?!?!?!!
ich bin neidrig!!!!

margot hat gesagt…

hehe. ja, die schüler in meine klasse haben diese woche einen berufspracticum ("bogy"), also hatte ich schule frei! aber ich habe wirklich gar nichts gemacht.

ich freue mich auf morgen!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Zoe, one great thing about returning to CBHS next year is that all the math teachers are really nice and nobody will ever even remotely indicate that you are stupid! Because you're not. When I was volunteering recently, Mr. Burke was talking to me in the teachers' room and saying that although you and Charlotte don't see yourselves as strong math students, you are! So take that, evil German math teacher!

charlotte hat gesagt…

that sounds like a really nice vacation. i hope you have fun in bonn!

Unknown hat gesagt…

hey, vielleicht kann Lukas Dir assistieren? Lukas ist der jüngere Bruder von David, er ist in dfer 10 undf hat in etwa die gleichen Mathe Themen. Er ist recht gut in Mathe!