Donnerstag, März 12, 2009

I had to change families becaue of my host father's ski accident. My host family thought they wouldn't have time for me because they would have to be helping him all the time. This was a surprise, but things have been going almost disturbingly smoothly. I really like my new host family, and I think I am going to become very, very fat here because the food is awesome. I came home today and my 18-year-old host sister had made me a big pot of risoto with cheese and cherry tomatoes. This is the kind of thing that happens here. I have two host siblings; Tobias, who is 15, and Marlene, who is 18. They're both great.

Also, people keep leaving the door to the hallway open -- people OTHER THAN ME!

My new bus number is 666; maybe you'll find that amusing. It made me think of when I was in New York with my dad, Isaac, and Leander's family, and we saw the "WE'LL BE THERE FOR YOU" moving truck, with the phone number (212) 666-6666. Good times.

I love having people around all the time. Somehow it makes the day seem much longer, in a good way! On Tuesday, I came home from school, my new host brother Tobias made me a pizza, then Marlene came home and we went jogging and did a sort of pilates-inspired exercise video. Later we went to a little bar in Tiefenbronn and had soda and baguettes with cheese. Wednesday we made artichokes and toast and watched Desperate Housewives. Yesterday we went to see this guy in concert:

He is very, very popular in Germany, and he played in a gigantic stadium. We stood behind hundreds and hundreds of people in a huge mosh pit and I didn't even see him once. Still, it was an experience, and I'm glad I went!

Today I'm playing piano in a concert with my class at school... Hopefully that will go well!

The end.

8 Kommentare:

Katie hat gesagt…

I'm really glad things are working out so well with your new gastfamily!

I think that I am too am heading for a Peter Foxe concert in the near future.

We'll see.

Liz Woodbury hat gesagt…

i actually really like the song in that video!

this all sounds so wonderful -- yay, bean!

mh hat gesagt…

It's so fun to hear some details of your move. Thanks!

I like Peter Foxe, btw!

Where was the show?

love, Dad

David hat gesagt…

That video frightened me. I want to move in with your family!

Anonym hat gesagt…

666... he he!

i am sooooo happy you aredoing well with your new host family, keep me informed!



Mary hat gesagt…

yay ! Zoe, your new family sounds really great - So glad you are having fun & sounding lighthearted ! Hope Hans-Peter heals well xxxooo

charlotte hat gesagt…

wow, this sounds really, really different! last night i had dinner with your parents and isaac and we watched that video.

Anonym hat gesagt…

hope you enjoy your time with your new family...guess im not gonna get to meet you then.
