Mittwoch, März 03, 2010

there are power lines in our bloodlines

I've decided I'd like to slowly ease back into regularly updating this blog. It's ridiculous to me that so much time has gone by. I'd like to somehow sum up the time between me coming back from Germany and now, but how can one accurately sum up seven and a half months? So much has changed.

It hasn't hit me yet that this my last year of high school. In a lot of ways, I still feel like a 10th grader. However, in some ways I'm packing my junior and senior years into one, so I've ended up with eight classes, including three APs and an International Relations course at USM. Because of this, I have a lot less time for "hobbies" than I'd like. Other than spending time with friends and occasionally working towards my New Year's resolution of watching the entire Criterion Collection (not going to happen by 2011), I don't do much outside of school.

BUT, while I have felt a bit of "senioritis" and I'm ready for my senior expedition to end, school isn't so bad. I've definitely learned a lot this year (both in and outside of school), mainly about American history, classic literature, microfinance, ethics, social skills, sociology, America, living the creative life, and poetry, to name a few things. I'd like to belatedly say that if you haven't read A People's History of the United States, GO READ IT RIGHT NOW because not only is it an "important" book for Americans to read, it's interesting and entertaining and absurdly well-written.

That's enough for now. I should get back to APES work. APES as in AP Environmental Science. Goodnight.

2 Kommentare:

olive hat gesagt…

I can totally sympathize with the senioritis thing...I thought that I wouldn't get it on account of Germany, but now that I have to wait (27 days!) for colleges to decide whether I'm worthy of their hallowed halls, I find it hard to be motivated. Motivated was sooo 2009.

Good luck on your AP tests! Keep learning! Senior power and amazingness! (Amazingness=so not a word.)

olive hat gesagt…

P.S. I really love that song (referring to post title).