Sonntag, Oktober 28, 2007

I'm sorry I've been such an unreliable blogger lately! I haven't been busy, in fact, I've been doing pretty much nothing. I've been sick this weekend, so I've watched a ton of movies, including Capote, Psycho, the Simpsons, Gossip Girl (don't watch it, it's horrible) and The Darjeeling Limited (in theaters!) I also finished reading Fun Home and Things Fall Apart, which were both wonderful.
In other events, school has been sort of ho-hum lately. I don't actively dislike it, but I'm not very interested in it at the moment. Hopefully it will be more enjoyable once we really get into the expedition. But, I am really excited because I may get to go to school in another country next year!! (Assuming that we can raise 8,000+ dollars.) I haven't completely decided where yet, although right now I'm leaning towards Italy, Iceland, or somewhere in Scandinavia...

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