Donnerstag, April 05, 2007


Just a quick post to complain (lamely) that I have a DURNED BIG HOLE IN THE KNEE OF MY PREMIUM JEANS! I know, you didn't think I was so materialistic as to complain about this on my blog, did you? Well, you were wrong. I ripped them while I was playing a game with two-year-old Elliot, which he calls, "Let's Go To Leander's House," and entails running around in circles and falling down, and then repeating this endlessly. (It took about ten minutes and "Monsters, Inc." to convince him to stop.) So now, since this game was, indeed, invented at Leander's house, I am going to call Leander and demand that he pay me the $175 my jeans cost.

Just kidding, of course.

2 Kommentare:

Artemis hat gesagt…

I wonder what he'd say. And I'm sorry about your jeans. The sad thing about clothes is that they don't last furever. Furever. Hey, furever. hey. HEY!

Liz Woodbury hat gesagt…

never fear, antoine the tailor will work his magic on your premium jeans!